Playtesters Wanted

Would you like access to an early build of our game? How would you like YOUR NAME listed as an Official Playtester in the game’s credits? Well, you’re in luck! We’re only a few days away from announcing BRICKING BOTS to the world, launching our STEAM page, and releasing our Game Trailer! Therefore, this week is the best time for some rigorous playtesting.

I’m calling on all our current playtesters and anyone else out there who may be interested to give the current build of the game a few thorough playthroughs. If you’re interested, please join our Discord Server ( and ask for more information. 

When you’re ready with your feedback, please post all the notes you may have in the Bricking Bots Playtesting channel near the bottom of the server. Doing so will give me (Nick) just enough time to fix and upgrade the game before our next major marketing phase. Thank you all for taking the time to tease out those bugs, glitches, and parts of the game that need optimization. Our game wouldn’t be half of what it is without you!

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